All Rights Reserved. Nothing on this website or any links may be copied without the express written permission of Jeffrey Keesee. Some wedding photos and linked materials were engaged on a work-for-hire basis and are protected by copyright of the individual client and copyright holder. The photos are used here by permission and copyright to those works is expressly reserved by the owner. - United States Copyright Law

ATL 8/6/07

Dad has challenged me with scanning part of his photo slide collection to digital format, so the next few weeks will be on the subject of photos from my past. This is me and ma on the Washington Park carousel in Portland, Oregon, July 1967 ish. (My immediate, family-wide population has gone from 2 to 3 and not yet to 4, as Dad is home from his tour of duty in Alaska and my little brother doesn't show up for another 4 months.)

Movie news - This Saturday (8/11) at 8:00 PM, the Center for Puppetry Arts is showing an intriguing movie: "Written by award-winning fantasy writer Neil Gaiman, Mirror Mask is a phantasmagorical treat for the eyes and mind, a wondrous blend of live action and computer graphics animation, where strange, magical creatures dwell in a fantasy world of unbridled imagination and scope, as told through the spectacular, cutting-edge visuals of designer/director Dave McKean."

Art news - This Sunday (8/12), the Atlanta Symphony plays in Piedmont Park at 7:30 PM

Retail news - Alternative Apparel has some smokin' T-shirt designs and a cool new store in Va-Hi. Check it out.

French news -The EU has announced a total quarantine on importing any livestock or livestock products from England in an attempt to isolate an outbreak of foot and mouth disease. (Fortunately, there is no quarantine against foot-in-mouth disease, so I am still able to visit my french friends...)

National news - Waiting one week after the originally announced wedding date, Usher finally got married. (I'm still waiting to care.)

Local news - Tuesday night, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM, the Midtown Neighbor Association celebrates "Night Out" at the corner of 6th and Myrtle streets to take back the neighborhood from some of the shady characters that hang out there the other 364 days of the year. (We're roasting wienies! Take that, you mean old hookers!)

Traffic news - According to the Georgia Driver's Manual, it is LEGAL to make a left turn from the left lane of a one-way street onto another one-way street with traffic moving to the left. (It is not, however, ILLEGAL to be a f&*$ing idiot.)

Also (and this is a complete joke), when entering the expressway by way of an on ramp, the vehicles in the expressway have the right-of-way, "but courteous drivers will permit you to move into expressway traffic". HA!


Anonymous said...

Jeff - if you move back to Oregon, you can also turn left on red from a two way street onto a one way street (but I'm sure you already knew that...)

As if you didn't have enough reasons to move here...

- Brighton

Anonymous said...

From Ponce where it dead ends in front of the Varsity is always funny. I can turn left onto Spring from the right lane when idjits are waiting for the light and watch them gape open mouthed at me.