All Rights Reserved. Nothing on this website or any links may be copied without the express written permission of Jeffrey Keesee. Some wedding photos and linked materials were engaged on a work-for-hire basis and are protected by copyright of the individual client and copyright holder. The photos are used here by permission and copyright to those works is expressly reserved by the owner. - United States Copyright Law

ATL 7/30/07

Movie news - "One Missed Call", partly filmed across 8th street from Metropolis and shamelessly promoted at this week's "Comic-Con" in San Diego, is scheduled for release January 4, 2008. (It's not too early to make plans for our own "Dragon*Con" in Atlanta, coming August 31 - September 3.)

French news - Today's headline in Le Monde is the United States' arming of its allies in the Middle East to the tune of $20 billion; they interpret this as an attempt to form an "anti-Iran front".

Art news - This Saturday is the 1st Saturday of the month; admission is free at the High Museum of Art for the first 600 Fulton County residents.

National news - Star Jones announced that since August 2003, she has lost 47% of her body weight through gastric bypass. I lost 100% of her by having a "pointless celebrity" bypass.

Local news - Cobb County has passed an ordinance limiting the number of adults living in a house to 1 per each 390 sq. ft. Some folks wrote to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution to take exception to that.

Really, Really Local news - My photo books are online at! Also, e*weber gallery will be selling my gift cards and Metropolis residents can join the DVD Club at the concierge desk (you can view the movie list here)

PLUS! Always, always, always, I keep an updated (as often as I see fit) link list for the Atlanta condo and development projects that I find interesting (in the right hand column of the blog page, under "Architecture and Condos"). It's by no means completely comprehensive, just a collection of links that is easy for me to reference. And, if I'm missing a project that you like, email me! If I agree with you, I'll add it. If I don't, go here -->

(french-english dictionary)

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