All Rights Reserved. Nothing on this website or any links may be copied without the express written permission of Jeffrey Keesee. Some wedding photos and linked materials were engaged on a work-for-hire basis and are protected by copyright of the individual client and copyright holder. The photos are used here by permission and copyright to those works is expressly reserved by the owner. - United States Copyright Law

Paris 3

Cafe Marly
Le Metro
(K & B brought their young'un to visit this past weekend; it was great! Parisians love kids and having one around was handy - went to Cafe Marly and were told we would have to wait for a table...then they saw J and said "oh, we have a nice table inside, by the window, we'll open the window for fresh air and he can have a nap on the banquette." At Musee d'Orsay, there were maybe 100 people waiting outside to get through security. Pull out the kid and Voila! There is a special line for people with kids...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am very honored that we made the blog.... and I would like to publish the comment of the month for posterity's sake-

"Decide what you want to do in Paris tomorrow or else you will be flailing around like a teletubby without a purse..." - Jeff Keesee, overheard near Montrouge last weekend

We had a blast hanging out with you! KB&J