Only the straight guys knew I was "Mad Max".
We had fun staging these pics at "Attention Deficit David's" house, who went all out to lights, decapitated dolls, "blood" on the walls and the floor, black cloth draped over everything.
Later, at the "As Seen in a Magazine" party, we decided that the perfect couple costume would have been the two of us in matching blonde wigs, big sunglasses, and slinky dresses. With me being 6'3" and S at 5'6", we would have been Nicole Ritchie...before and after. (Bless her heart).
We had a terrific time at the party, but S said it was time to go when I confronted this vapid, drunken chick, who just kept blathering on around me all night long.
"I was wondering...did you come to the party dressed as a drunken b&%$h, or did you change when you got here?"
She didn't hang around me after that.
Happy Halloween! ...the rest of the story...