All Rights Reserved. Nothing on this website or any links may be copied without the express written permission of Jeffrey Keesee. Some wedding photos and linked materials were engaged on a work-for-hire basis and are protected by copyright of the individual client and copyright holder. The photos are used here by permission and copyright to those works is expressly reserved by the owner. - United States Copyright Law

ATL 11/12/07

I remember dad taking this photo; I know that he loves us, but this time, this pic was all about the car - a brand new, 1978, camel-colored Chevy 'vette. I specifically remember the "camel-colored" part because we got a labeled tube of touch-up paint - a glorified auto body chapstick, really. I was actually kind of looking forward to the first ding in the paint and the opportunity to use it.
Railyards in the "Gulch"& Southern Railway
Centennial Olympic Park
Midtown Towers

MOVIE NEWS - "What Would Jesus Buy?" is "Super Size Me" for religion and mass consumerism...and appears to be just as easy to swallow.

ART NEWS -It's Friday Jazz at the High this Friday - my favorite ongoing event in Atlanta.

LOCAL NEWS - We biked into the bowels of Atlanta to take "The Gulch" photo above; everyone knows about Underground Atlanta (I personally think they need to finish burying it), but we explored an extension of that. U.A. exists because streets in downtown were raised to the second story of some buildings to allow car traffic to pass over train traffic. This pic encompasses many elements of the development of Atlanta - three car overpasses (from the Castleberry Hill area), several rail lines, a warehouse serviced by rail, an old train depot, and kudzu.
DROUGHT NEWS - S. and I have been trying to cut back on our water use - turn off the water while soaping up i n the shower, only run giganta-laundry loads, be extra careful when running water in the sink. I looked at our bills from the last 12 months - they vary from a low of 1400 gallons (when I'm out of town), to 2200 gallons in August (more sweat = more laundry!) This month, we are averaging 53 gallons per day (1590 for the month). Seriously, Madam Mayor and Governor Sunshine, without a yard to stop watering, do you expect us to use less than 26.5 gallons per person per day?

Developers in Midtown are working to solve the drought crisis - here is an update on the status of our new 10th Street Reservoir -ajc-

NATIONAL NEWS - While Mukasky can't decide whether or not water-boarding is torture, I know exactly how I feel about protracted Senate confirmation hearings...thank goodness that's over...for now.

FRENCH NEWS - Sarkozy came to town. I heard a nice commentary on the visit (the first official visit by a French President since 2001 - before the U.S. invaded Iraq) - "the French were in America when the British were driven out, and the Americans were here when the Germans were driven out. We will always have history together."

RETAIL NEWS - Thanks to all the participants of Metropolis' first Market Day - we successfully closed off 8th Street at Peachtree and held a sidewalk sale, hopefully the first of many. And thanks especially to Super Chairwoman Ashley!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's Midtown Dine and Shop Week and a great opportunity to try that fancy restaurant. Since you can no longer qualify for a subprime loan to pay for an expensive night out, $25 prix fixe is terrific! We may try "Room" at Twelve Centennial Park.

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