All Rights Reserved. Nothing on this website or any links may be copied without the express written permission of Jeffrey Keesee. Some wedding photos and linked materials were engaged on a work-for-hire basis and are protected by copyright of the individual client and copyright holder. The photos are used here by permission and copyright to those works is expressly reserved by the owner. - United States Copyright Law

Ohio - NO MORE!

Welcome Home, Me!

Well, welcome home, but this isn't me.

It's Kenyon Carter, a great jazz saxophonist I was lucky enough to photograph this weekend. If you have a hankerin' for some live jazz, check him out:

So, I'm done with Oh-Hell-Hole; this weekend was the first weekend of my 11 week vacation. I was there for 20 weeks, so now I get 11 weeks off.

Did I mention I have 11 weeks off?

SO...if you need a drinking/partying/movie-going/running/working-out buddy, I'm your guy.

It's going to be a great summer.

Garden update: We planted basil and tomatoes on March 31st, hoping to get a jump start on the growing season. Well, it dropped below freezing 1 week later, on April 7th, but the tomatoes made it! The basil's hurting a little, but the pepper plants look okay, too.

All did not escape unscathed - while planting, I got poison ivy. I'm just getting over it, having gone through all the stages - the "Itching Stage", the "Oozing Stage", the "Scabbing Stage", and now am nearly at the end of the "Baby Gerbil Skin with pieces of Beef Jerky stuck to it Stage".

Now it's going to be a great summer.

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