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Happy Birthday, Grandma

Today, September 8th, is my Father's Mother's birthday.

Grandma Keesee died in 1998.

Soon after she passed away, we went out to California to pay our respects (and go through her stuff, her house, her life). While searching her garage, Dad found her postcard collection and gave it to me. In particular, this postcard of "Skunks and Cats". He said it reminded him of my cat, Crawford.

This one was not like the other postcards; it was sort of a joke, not a vacation destination.

I kept it; it reminded me that my grandma - who spent the last 15 years of her life in a wheelchair - was once a playful young woman (at the time of the postcard, 1934, she would have been ready to turn 25...)

Crawford, died in 2003.

Grandma would have been 97.
Crawford would have been 17.
At 42, I'm right in the middle.

I still have the postcard. It still works. It reminds me that I miss them both.

Happy Birthday, Grandma.

(Grandpa Keesee passed away in 1982...he would have been 106 on September 10th.)

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