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Fort Wayne

Spending the better part of the week in Ft. Wayne (or "Fort Fun", as my neighbor says); got to shoot on my last full day here, and found a lot more than corn...


Highest point in Ft. Fun? bordering fields

Queen Anne's Lace........Purple........Thistle

Grassy path...view from my apartment...more Robert Frost


Things aren't necessarily up to date in Indiana. I stood in line at the grocery store far too long behind folks writing...get this...checks! For purchase price and...even back!

No credit cards, no ATMs?


Not everything is so backward, though. Sitting in the Ft Wayne airport, I overheard two 50-ish ladies talking over that day's newspaper:

"I just don't know why those gays want to get married."

While contemplating how and whether I should jump at this opportunity to educate middle America, her friend did a fine job for me.

"Just so they can have what everyone else has; insurance benefits and visitation and inheritance rights."

"Oh..." she replied, just like that...

"...well...isn't it just awful what's going on in Israel?" she continued, moving on to the next topic, the previous one apparently settled.

Refreshing and modern!


While working here at a major automotive assembly plant, I've been having a bit of fun with our co-op; the college student/co-worker whose job is to "help-out", knowing that often means getting lunch.

Now, I don't want to get too "Devil Wears Prada" on this guy, but when he was making a Starbucks run, I asked for a "venti skim 1 raw sugar latte...for Princess". (I was going to ask for a "venti decaf no calorie non-dairy sugar-free beverage" and see if he would bring me a water...but I just needed the caffeine too much).


Before coming out to "Fort Fun" for a second trip, I was challenged with attending a "White (Trash) Party". I bought my first pair of camouflage pants and I wore them exactly twice; the FIRST time to the party, along with a wifebeater T & fake tattoos and the LAST time on the flight out here. I felt like a complete dipshit when an army platoon walked by, on their way to war, in the real thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lots of corn...but what about the corn fed boys??