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Mexico Stories - Runner´s High

(Ongoing rants from a gringo working in Silao, Mexico, til March '06)

It´s like a question on the SAT:

"If Jeff is at 1.25 miles in elevation and runs 3.0 miles at 6:30 in the morning while it is 40 degrees Fahrenheit, what is the hypoteneuse of his run?"

I did it! Running at 6600 feet up is no picnic, but I did it and I now have the lung to prove the apartment...on ice...waiting until I return to the states to be reinstalled.

(Seen from the street - As dry and rainless as it is here, the attic is literally the top of the house - the roof makes for excellent storage - of scrap lumber, cardboard boxes, car bumpers, flower pots, as well as chickens and drying laundry. Seen on the road - 1 motorcycle, 3 passengers, 0 helmets. See in the grocery - Kool-aid-like drink packets in the store that make 1.5 L of drink - they are next to the 1.5L bottles of water and flavors include pineapple "Tang", tamarindo, and "horchata." "Horchata" is rice milk - perfect for cooling down your mouth after eating spicy foods. Also for sale - burgers made of "pulpo" - octopus.)

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