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Spring in Ohio...

...sure don't look like this!

I was lucky enough to be home in Atlanta the first weekend in March; these trees in Piedmont Park were in bloom.

Spring isn't the only thing that's different here in the midwest - check-out this movie review from the Toledo newspaper:

"...300 of the gayest mainstream movies ever made (look at all these beautiful, mostly naked men!)... " -link-

I am so out of it...I thought "Priscilla, Queen of the Desert" was the " ever made", with it's operatic lip-syncing, cross-dressing, transvestism, drag queen performances, ABBA soundtrack, man-on-man love, and so-over-the-top-I-can't-see-the-top-costumes.

Little did I know all it took to be "gay" was to be "mostly naked". I should never have felt so alone growing up gay, because every time I was in a locker room, everyone was gay! Nudist are gay. Olympic athletes are gay. Anyone living near the equator is gay. President Bush in the

Charleton Heston in "Planet of the Apes"? Super gay.

The movie reviewer in not so far away Toronto stated it a little more accurately: "The acres of rippling beefcake on display make this arguably the most homoerotic film ever released to the mainstream. If there's not a '300' float in this year's Pride parade, then someone deserves a Spartan spanking." -link-

Now that is something with which I can not argue - Naked men = homoerotic. Loving men = gay.

Gotta go...the movie starts at 7:20.

1 comment:

James Kernan Ferrin said...

my god! the gays are everywhere! run!!!