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Where the f#@k am I, Toto?

I'm working out of town this week...waaaaaaay out of town.

Within 5 minutes of walking into this plant in rural Texas (south of Ft. Worth), the guy they call "Liberal" was giving me the safety tour of the plant along with an explantion of his nickname. He looks at me and explains "the guys here in Texas call me 'Liberal' cuz I don't like Bush. I'm not for them queers and faggots getting married and all, but they are only 2% of the population and Congress has got a lot more important things to be doing. They give me shit for saying as much, but I've eaten more pussy than they've ever seen in their entire lives."

Like I'm not already cringing enough, we then stop in the middle of the plant and he just looks at me for a response. What the hell was I supposed to say?

"um...I'm a vegetarian."

My weekend at the Atlanta Film Festival, seeing the play "The Last Sunday in June", and watching the broadcast of the Tony Awards have not adequately prepared me for working in this state.


Jennia Hart said...

Mr. Liberal sounds like quite the ladies man. I bet he's divorced or single.

Lucky you, having the opportunity to work with such a open-minded liberal man.

Anonymous said...

They don't grow 'em like they do down in Texass.